Peeler's Trailer

Peelers - Trailer

Die frühere Baselball-Spielerin und jetzige Club-Besitzerin Blue Jean Douglas (Wren Walker) hat sich entschlossen, ihre Bar an einen neuen Besitzer ...
When Tim Burton meets superheroes

When Tim Burton meets superheroes

Wir alle kennen Tim Burton für seinen besonderes dunklen und gotischen Stil, aber abgesehen von seinen Batman-Filmen (1989, 1992) habe ...
Sobro: Probably the coolest coffee table in the world

Sobro: Probably the coolest coffee table in the world

Cold beer during a movie night without getting up, music during the break from your smartphone (which is charged directly at the table)...
Tiiime calculates how much time you've sacrificed for series

Tiiime calculates how much time you've sacrificed for series

Freunde, habt ihr das ganze Wochenende auf der Couch verbracht weil ihr unbedingt noch die komplette Staffel "XYZ" sehen wolltet? ...
DBD: Punk Crusher - The Obsessed

DBD: Punk Crusher - The Obsessed

The Obsessed have released “Punk Crusher,” a track from their upcoming album “Sacred.” The disc will be released on April 7th...
MENU: Chef wears raw ingredients from his menus on his face to make creepy portraits

MENU: Chef wears raw ingredients from his menus on his face to make creepy portraits

Köche, die nur rohe und biologische Zutaten in ihren Restaurants servieren, werben oft mit ihrer Lebensmittelphilosophie und machen dies zu ...
Muslim Ban: Help Wahid enter the US

Muslim Ban: Help Wahid enter the US

With "Muslim Ban", Bohemian Browser Ballet once again has a wonderfully humorous tip on current world events. Setting is an American ...
Where does the high five come from?

Where does the high five come from?

Es ist mal wieder Zeit, unserem Bildungsauftrag nachzukommen und heute widmen wir uns dem Thema "High Five". Irgendwie ist es ...
Alien: Covenant - cinema poster is a real masterpiece

Alien: Covenant - cinema poster is a real masterpiece

While the merciless Xenomorphs were sorely missed in “Prometheus,” they are set to take center stage in “Alien: Covenant.” On ...

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