Rambo's Greatest Hits
Rambo's Greatest Hits

Total Insanity! "You think it's over? Nothing is over!» I especially like the «crazy in mud» and the «hit me with your best shot (exploding arrow remix)»…

Rambo's Greatest Hits
Karlie and the cocaine
Karlie and the cocaine

Karl Lauterbach on his wild Sturm und Drang years - he probably took some damage with him from this time. But hey, in the best Germany of all time, you should never question the best Minister of Health of all time! After all, he knows his way around drugs, euhm, medicines….

Karlie and the cocaine
The beauty of neon lights in the cinema
The beauty of neon lights in the cinema

The gentle reflection of light, which mainly provides colored light in dark rooms and alleys, the colored faces and silhouette edges of people, that's how diverse neon light is. Anton Moskalenko clapped a number of beautiful film scenes illuminated with neon lights ... List of films: 31 (2016) 2001. A Space Odyssey (1968) Altered Carbon (2018) Amer (2010) American Ultra (2015) Assassination

The beauty of neon lights in the cinema
The Simpsons' predictions as a supercut
The Simpsons' predictions as a supercut

Pat McAfee dedicates himself to the sometimes astonishing future visions of the Simpsons. The most popular is probably the shot of Donald Trump on the escalator, which the Simpsons predicted in 2000, but reality caught up with in 2015. But there are actually countless other examples of absurd coincidences. Many of them in terms of technology. Corruption scandals, epidemic outbreaks and

The Simpsons' predictions as a supercut
Rain sounds from 50 video games in 16 minutes
Rain sounds from 50 video games in 16 minutes

There is something calming, relaxing, and beautiful about the sound of falling rain. In addition to this aspect, there is also the fact that the London supercut specialist FunWithGuru leads us through artificial worlds that have created this rainy atmosphere. Sequences from 50 video games were strung together to give us one of the most frugal rains of the year. drops

Rain sounds from 50 video games in 16 minutes
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

"Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner" gives us more than three minutes of well-staged film meals in the form of a tasty supercut...

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Mashup of cartoon villains
Mashup of cartoon villains

Robert Jones has put together a beautiful supercut of all the illustrious comic book super villains of the fictional fantasy galaxies of this pop culture world. Because let's be honest - even the best superhero is nothing without a good villain ...

Mashup of cartoon villains
Cinema Under the Influence: How Movies Get High
Cinema Under the Influence: How Movies Get High

With “Cinema Under the Influence: How Movies Get High,” Fandor sums up quite well how the film industry deals with the depiction of drug influences, sometimes differently and largely in the same way. Sometimes only their effects are shown from an outside perspective, sometimes the viewer is put in the position of the tripping person using video and sound changes. Definitely not an easy task

Cinema Under the Influence: How Movies Get High
1 classic films in five minutes
1 classic films in five minutes

The French artist Candice Drouet has reduced the classic films of history to the most famous scenes and in turn limited these scenes to the most concise still image. Isn't it impressive how many films and scenes you can see in milliseconds? And as if it wasn't enough work, Candice also has the most famous movie posters for the corresponding scenes

1 classic films in five minutes
Moving Pictures 2018
Moving Pictures 2018

Entertaining supercut from over 200 films released by trailer and film editor Clark Zhu in 2018 ...

Moving Pictures 2018
Director's Love Mirrors
Director's Love Mirrors

In the following super-cut, “The Auteur Journal” has cut together around three and a half minutes of film scenes in which things and/or people are reflected...

Director's Love Mirrors
Eclectic Method: Everybody wants to dance
Eclectic Method: Everybody wants to dance

A dance supercut featuring some of the most notable dance scenes in film history, from 1951's Fred Astaire's "The Royal Wedding" to Ex Machina, to Jamiroquai's house track "Everybody Will To Dance"...

Eclectic Method: Everybody wants to dance
This Supercut Will Make You Hungry: Food in Movies
This Supercut Will Make You Hungry: Food in Movies

With the following supercut, Burger Fiction presents us with almost seven minutes of cinematic appetite stimulants ... We weren't looking for the greatest or most iconic food in movies, we were looking for the most delicious-looking food in movies. Like a kid in a candy store we asked ourselves 'does this make us hungry?' and the answer was “yes

This Supercut Will Make You Hungry: Food in Movies
Star Wars: Ships only, including space balls
Star Wars: Ships only, including space balls

Interesting to see how Spaceballs foresaw the spherical ships of the Separatists on Geonosis (Attack of the Clones) and the planetary shield with a door (Rogue One). But maybe the shield portal was also an homage to Spaceballs ... Spaceballs A New Hope Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: Ships only, including space balls
Sound in the Films of Christopher Nolan
Sound in the Films of Christopher Nolan

Art of the Film provides us with a visually and acoustically appealing supercut as a small homage to the cinematic work of Christopher Nolan ... Films: Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar

Sound in the Films of Christopher Nolan
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All six previously released Star Wars films in 3 minutes

All six previously released Star Wars films in 3 minutes

Bald awakens ja the force, wie ihr alle wisst. Manche Menschen wissen evtl. nicht, was dieses "force" ist, das da ...
Any lightsaber amputation from Star Wars

Any lightsaber amputation from Star Wars

Bekannterweise verliert Luke Skywalker rechte Hand, doch auch andere Charaktere haben in Star Wars Gliedmassen verloren. Video-Editor Pablo Fernández Eyre ...
A Look Back At The Future In Film

A Look Back At The Future In Film

Robert Jones hat einen Supercut zusammen gestellt der uns zeigt, auf welche unterschiedlichsten Weisen die Zukunft prognostiziert wurde. Natürlich passend ...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Trailer Supercut

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Trailer Supercut

Gibt so einige Zusammenstellungen der bisher erschienen Trailer, der folgende Supercut find ich am besten geschnitten ...
They Were in THAT? What actors were seen in before their breakthrough

They Were in THAT? What actors were seen in before their breakthrough

Everyone knows Bryan Cranston played haz, logo, in Malcolm Right in the Middle before Breaking Bad. But before? Right: Saving Private Ryan ...
Don't Fuck With Tom Hardy

Don't Fuck With Tom Hardy

You can tell that Tom Hardy is a good actor by the contrast between the characters shown in this supercut. In ...
In Praise of Chairs

In Praise of Chairs

Wie sagt man so schön, es sind die kleinen Dinge, die es ausmachen. Das gilt auch für Film und Fernsehen ...
Supercut of important facial moments in film history

Supercut of important facial moments in film history

Schöner kleiner Supercut von Burger Fiction, welcher einen besonderen Fokus auf den besonderen Fokus setzt. Konzentrierte Kamerafahrten auf das Konterfei ...
John Wick Kill Count

John Wick Kill Count

Here is the kill count in John Wick. On the one hand, YouTube user Nick DiNizio put together a supercut and comes there ...
Cinema within cinema

Cinema within cinema

The editing of Brutzelpretzel shows us what it looks like when movies take place in movies. The only thing missing is that this supercut ...


Es gibt glaub ich nichts ikonischeres als Western in der Geschichte des Films, wo Revolverhelden und Cowboys böse Jungs in ...
Indiana Jones trilogy in 90 seconds

Indiana Jones trilogy in 90 seconds

Burger Fiction spricht hier klar Indiana Jones Trilogie, welche zusammen gestellt wurde und dass finde ich ja sehr passend! Was ...
Fake movies within movies

Fake movies within movies

Schöner Supercut der Screen Junkies mit fiktionalen Filmen aus fiktionalen Filmen ...
Tarantino's Blood

Tarantino's Blood

Hier ein Tarantino Supercut von Jacob T. Swinney mit Blut. Tarantino-Filme ohne Blut wären wie Jahrmärkte ohne gebrannte Mandeln... Out ...
A call through a wide variety of films

A call through a wide variety of films

Hier der längste Telefonanruf der Filmgeschichte. Also nein, nicht direkt, so eher als Supercut. Die Leute von Burger Fiction haben ...
Fictional games from films

Fictional games from films

WatchMojo haben eine Top 10 fiktiver Spiele in Filmen erstellt, die nicht nur die Filme bereichert, sondern ggf. auch echte ...
When movie characters speak to the audience

When movie characters speak to the audience

Der YouTube-Kanal Now You See It widmet in "How to Break the Fourth Wall" dem direkten Blick auf oder das ...
Superman Movie Kill Count

Superman Movie Kill Count

We already had a kill count to Batman or Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the crypt. Now there is the ...
Cinema Space Tribute

Cinema Space Tribute

Max Shishkin hat dutzende Filme genommen und die Weltraumszenen bildlich miteinander kombiniert. Daraus ist ein schön spaciger Supercut geworden, beginnend ...
Ten hidden messages in your favorite films

Ten hidden messages in your favorite films

Vielleicht sind es auch nicht deine Lieblingsfilme, aber wie auch immer, bei folgendem Clip handelt es sich so oder so ...
Batman Kill Count

Batman Kill Count

We already know Kill Count about Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and actually Batman doesn't like it at all...
Robot's Falling Down

Robot's Falling Down

Wenn hochmoderne und super teure Roboter en masse umfallen wie hier bei der 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals in Pomona, ...
Every Easter Egg & Reference in Terminator: Genesys

Every Easter Egg & Reference in Terminator: Genesys

"Terminator: Genesis" ist vollgepackt mit Easter Eggs und Verweisen auf anderen Terminator-Filme und die Fernsehserie. Mr Sunday Movies hat diese ...
Top 10 Movie Car Crashes

Top 10 Movie Car Crashes

Autounfälle in Filmen sehen total genial aus, was man von realen Crash nicht sagen kann. In folgendem Clip sind einige ...
Profiles: A Tarantino Supercut

Profiles: A Tarantino Supercut

Hier ein Supercut zu Tarantinos Profile-Shot von Rishi Kaneria. Hier demonstriert sie uns nicht etwa Szene an Szene, sondern konzentriert ...
Robots on Film

Robots on Film

Im Film sind Roboter oder eben künstlich geschaffene Wesen ein Thema, seit es dieses Medium gibt. "Metropolis" ist wohl einer ...
Distribute sixty seconds of slaps

Distribute sixty seconds of slaps

Wie gerne ich jetzt auch jemandem eine Klatschen würde... Today we bring you a full sixty seconds of swollen cheek ...
Cinematic montage

Cinematic montage

Aus hunderten von ikonischen Filmen hat GameOvais trailerartige Videos zusammengeschnitten. Im ersten Video sind es 280 Stück und im zweiten ...
Jesus Christ supercut

Jesus Christ supercut

Bei desaströsen Ereignisse und in Momenten des Staunens werden viele Filmfiguren plötzlich wieder gläubig, oder nutzen zumindest die Namen von ...
Sword Fights Supercut

Sword Fights Supercut

ClaraDarko hat 60 ihrer Meinung nach tollsten Schwertkampf-Szenen der Filmgeschichte in einem Supercut. Da würden sicherlich mittlerweile auch einige weitere ...

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